Hours of Operation
Office Hours:
Monday: 8:00am-3:00pm
Wednesday: 8:00am-11:00am
Thursday: 8:00am-3:00pm
Saturday/Sunday: CLOSED
Walk-In Hours:
Monday: 9:30am-1:30pm
Wednesday: CLOSED
Thursday: 9:30am-1:30pm
Saturday/Sunday: CLOSED
Office Hours
I.D Cards and Deers
Identification & CAC Cards
Need an ID Card?
Book an ID appointment to avoid wait times.
Important Information
Only Schedule One Appointment Per Family:
When scheduling your appointment, please only use one appointment slot per family. No need to make multiple appointments, we will assist you and any one else in your family requiring assistance at the same time.
Dependent ID Card :
The sponsor must be present to issue/renew a dependent ID. In the absence of the sponsor, any one of the following may be accepted: Special or General Power of Attorney, DD Form 1172 signed by sponsor and witnessed by a DEERS Verifying Official, or DD Form 1172 signed by sponsor and witnessed by a Notary Signature and Seal.
Required Supporting Docs for ID cards :
Two forms of identification. At least one form of ID must be a valid state or federal government-issued picture identification (passport, driver’s or state license, SSN card, current military ID, etc.) The sponsor or one of the following documents in the absence of sponsor: Special or General Power of Attorney or a DD Form 1172 signed by sponsor witnessed by a DEERS Verifying Official or Notary Signature and Seal.
Student Status Age 21-23:
Letter from the school registrar’s office certifying full-time course of study leading to an associate’s degree or higher and anticipated graduation date.
Marriage :
Original/Certified copy marriage certificate, SSN card, Original/Certified copy birth certificate of spouse and picture ID (driver’s license, state ID..etc) of spouse.
Must bring in an original or certified court copy of the Divorce Decree.
Newborn & Children :
Original/certified copy birth certificate & SSN card (can be brought in at a later time)
Civilian Employee:
SF Form 50. Emergency essential civilians should present a DD form 2365; Civilian Personnel Office must annotate in item 89 of DD form 1172 that person is assigned to an Emergency Essential position.
Civilian Contractor :
The Contractor Verification System (CVS) shall be the primary enrollment for DEERS and CAC issuance to eligible contract personnel.
Disabled American Veteran (DAV):
DD form 214 and letter from the VA stating that the honorably discharged veteran is 100 percent disabled from a service-connected injury or disease, and the required documents for dependents if married and/or have children.
Illegitimate Children :
Original/certified copy birth certificate, SSN Card (can be brought in at a later time) and one of the following: court order that establishes paternity, an approved dependency determination, or a voluntary acknowledgement of paternity from hospital/State.
Incapacitated Children Over 21 :
Approved and current medical sufficiency statement from a military treatment facility and an approved and current dependency determination. For a renewal ID card, a current financial dependency determination is still required.
Turning 65:
Sponsors and dependents turning age 65 may continue to use their ID cards with expired medical date on the back of the card. Sponsor must ensure Medicare part B was updated by the Social Security Administration (SSA) and can be verified through MilConnect.
Ward :
Original/certified copy birth certificate, court order from a court of competent jurisdiction in the US or a territory or possession of the US, SSN Card (can be brought at a later time) and dependency determination (except for Army members).
Pre-Adoptive :
Document from placement agency in the US or US territory licensed for the purpose of adoption, original/certified copy birth certificate or placement agency letter, reflecting date of birth, and SSN card (can be provided at a later time).
Translations :
English translations must accompany all foreign documents. Foreign divorce decrees must be reviewed by the local legal office to verify the document’s validity.